Probate registry speeds up process

17 March 2015

The UK’s probate sector has enhanced its performance over the last year, turning around thousands of client applications in just seven working days. Latest reports suggest the Probate Service has significantly improved its efficiency, issuing 161,000 grants of representation submitted by solicitors within the target of seven working days. The target for personal applications for those not instructing a solicitor of eight weeks was also met in 97.6 per cent of cases.

A grant of representation is issued to an individual who is dealing with the estate of someone who has passed away, enabling them to collect any money, deal with any assets such as sell shares or a house and pay off debts that may have been owed by the deceased. The improvements coincide with newly implemented changes to the probate application fee structure, which came into force on 22nd April 2014.

The Probate Service report is fantastic news for those dealing with estates as it demonstrates that individuals utilising the support of a solicitor are receiving a quick and convenient service, rather than having to wait weeks on end as previously expected, or if they were to progress the application themselves. The death of a loved one can be extremely distressing and the faster service enables them to start the estate administration process without any red tape delays. 

The above is not legal advice; it is intended to provide information of general interest about current legal issues.

If you require further information on the subject of probate and wills please contact Lisa Carter on 01245 228127 or email