Changes to Child Maintenance payments by benefits claimants.

11 June 2013

It is hoped that this scheme will be faster and simpler than the two Child Support Agency schemes now in operation.

Parents on income-related benefits who live apart from their children are to have the amount of child maintenance they must pay increased from £5 to £10 per week. The change will apply to clients of the new statutory child maintenance scheme.

The increase from £5 to £10 in the amount paid by parents on certain contribution and income-related benefits and those with incomes of less than £100 per week will take place when the scheme is opened to all new applicants.

In the new statutory child maintenance scheme the percentage reduction for ‘relevant other children’ will be 11% for one child, 14% for two children and 16% for three or more children. The new approach is designed to encourage and enforce parental financial responsibility and will help ensure that all non-resident parents make a meaningful financial contribution to the welfare of their children.

The changes will mean a fairer deal for parents who share care and in addition, in the future, no maintenance will need to be paid in cases where care is shared exactly equally.

If you require any further advice or you would like to talk to a solicitor in our Family Law Team please do not hesitate to contact us for a free initial consultation on 01245 228106.